Where do we find our orientation? How do we hold the compass to direct us in the chaos? Collection 9 1/2 is named for its liminality, it’s turning, and it’s significant heading towards.
As José Esteban Muñoz reminds us “Queerness is not yet here. Queerness is an ideality. Put another way, we are not yet queer, but we can feel it as the warm illumination of a horizon imbued with potentiality.” It’s this potentiality I’m interested in. The potentiality for something not yet conscious.
This, moving towards, is the space I wished to create with this collection. We, being born into a world filled with bolted structures, symbols, and expected ways of being, we are always circling patterns. Working in tension with them, and our histories, is the way we will find what’s beyond.
This is why I work with archetypal clothing, for their layered and complex meanings. To unmake what has been, to rethink what’s possible, to cut and twist and turn to see anew.
This collection pushes the edges of A--Company’s integral preoccupations. And it's here that we find our coordinates— tracing the edges, collapsing all forms, and falling into the spiral.
Photography John Griffith

Photography Jenna Westra

A--Company x LL, LLC
Photography Lia Lowenthal

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